Just last week as the cast of The SpongeBob Musical’s first-ever National Tour prepared to turn TPAC’s Andrew Jackson Hall into their beloved undersea world of Bikini Bottom, I had the chance to pose a few questions to Lorenzo Pugliese, Beau Bradshaw and Daria Pilar Redus who star as SpongeBob and his besties, Patrick Star and Sandy Cheeks. So, sit back, grab a carton of Drinkable Sausage and check out the conversations below!

JHP: I understand you were actually a fan on the SpongeBob animated series when you were a kid. What’s it feel like to now be playing him in the Nation Tour of the stage musical?
LORENZO PUGLIESE: It’s a dream come true! If you told me even a year ago that I’d be playing SpongeBob in the First National Tour of The SpongeBob Musical, I’d probably tell you you were crazy.
JHP: Do you have to be a fan of the series to enjoy the stage version?
LORENZO PUGLIESE: Not at all! Part of the genius of this show is that it works both ways. Whether or not you’ve seen the TV show, you’re going to love this musical. Because with or without the association of these iconic characters, you are getting a fantastic story with great characters and a killer score!
JHP: The animated version was created by the late Stephen Hillenburg. While the essence of his characters is ever-present, the musical’s co-creator and director Tina Landau has opted to give the characters a more human appearance. Your own character, for instance, as SpongeBob, you’re not sporting a bright sunshine yellow costume made of sponge and you’re not wearing square pants. Was it more of a creative challenge for you to find SpongeBob’s voice and characteristics without the benefit of the animated version’s trademark physical appearance?
LORENZO PUGLIESE: Being able to bring this super iconic character to the stage was and is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But having the privilege to work with the original creative team that put this whole show together has made it possible. My character is a result of their brilliant direction and guidance.

JHP: Was SpongeBob really your first professional audition?
LORENZO PUGLIESE: SpongeBob was my first ever New York audition! It feels like I won the lottery.
JHP: Just between us….what’s the secret ingredient in the Krusty Krab’s most infamous menu item, the Krabby Patty?
LORENZO PUGLIESE: I’ll never tell 😉

JHP: In the animated series, Sandy is a science loving, martial arts practicing squirrel from Texas. How much fun are you having playing het?
DARIA PILAR REDUS: Sandy is such a rewarding role to play! It’s a blast to do martial arts and show off the smarts while getting to tap into the more vulnerable, soft side of Sandy as well. It’s a side that we don’t get to see a lot of in the animated series, so I love being able to explore all of her layers!
JHP: Prior to being cast, had you seen the musical or were you very familiar with the original animated series?
DARIA PILAR REDUS: I saw the musical during its run on Broadway and absolutely loved it! I was a HUGE SpongeBob fan growing up, and actually remain a fan of the animated series to this day. After seeing the musical in NYC, I couldn’t wait until I’d get the chance to be a part of something as beautiful and fun as The SpongeBob Musical!

JHP: From the images and clips I’ve seen, scenic and costume designer David Zinn has done a marvelous job representing the fun and vitality of Bikini Bottom, even winning the Tony for SpongeBob’s scenic design. Is there a set detail or particular costume that you wish every audience member could get a closer look at to truly appreciate his creative genius?
DARIA PILAR REDUS: Absolutely! I wish everyone could get a close up on Squidward’s legs, although they’re so cleverly done that perhaps they should remain a mystery! The Mermaid costume is actually a collection of colorful rubber kitchen gloves that creatively make up the tail! Every costume in the show was designed so creatively and specifically!
JHP: Also mirroring that same energy is the show’s choreography by Christopher Gattelli, who won the Tony for his choreography of Broadway’s Newsies. How would you describe the choreo in SpongeBob?
DARIA PILAR REDUS: The choreography alone is a reason to come and see the show! There is everything from tap, to hip hop, classic musical theatre, and more! It’s specific, clever, and downright awe-inspiring.

JHP: Hero Is My Middle Name, written by Cyndi Lauper and Rob Hyman and performed near the end of Act 1 by you, Beau and Lorenzo, has proven to be one of the show’s most beloved songs. Performing it night after night the past few weeks as the tour has began, what has the song come to represent to you?
DARIA PILAR REDUS: Sandy’s circumstances in this song are quite a bit different from that of her two friends. After being outcasted by the community she trusted for so long, it isn’t an easy decision to forgive and do what’s best for the greater good. But she does just that. This song is about friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, courage and strength. The journey from being defeated to being unstoppable is challenging, Sandy is more sure of her decision every new show!

JHP: Alright, I’m just gonna ask. While studying musical theater in college in Pittsburgh, did you ever fathom that a year later you’d be touring the country as the human counterpart to a famous pink cartoon starfish?
BEAU BRADSHAW: Actually, yes! I saw this show on Broadway during my senior year of college and all I could think about was how much I wanted to play Patrick. This is really a dream come true.
JHP: Speaking of touring, what’s life on the road been like since the tour first kicked off just a few weeks ago?
BEAU BRADSHAW: Life on the road is a lot of fun. Getting to see all of these different cities is definitely the best part. The worst part about it is all the packing we have to do.
JHP: As Patrick, you share a lot of your onstage times with Lorenzo’s SpongeBob. What’s he like as a on-stage best pal?
BEAU BRADSHAW: He’s the best. I couldn’t ask for a better scene partner. We really feed off of each other’s energy and that makes the performance exciting and new every night.

JHP: I have to confess…while my nephews grew up watching SpongeBob, I’ve honestly never seen an entire episode. Do you recommend a quick binge of a few episodes before taking in the show, or is it entertaining in its own right that familiarity with the characters isn’t necessary?
BEAU BRADSHAW: If you’ve watched SpongeBob you will definitely be rewarded with some fun Easter eggs but it’s definitely entertaining all on its own. The music alone is a reason to see this show.
JHP: You’re not just playing an iconic character, you’re also performing musical numbers by some of today’s most iconic and well-known musicians, singers and songwriters. What’s that like, and do you have a favorite amongst the show’s tunes?
BEAU BRADSHAW: I feel so fortunate to be able to sing music by these amazing artists. The score is so well written that it’s honestly, an actor’s dream. My favorite song would have to be (I Guess I) Miss You by John Legend. It such a beautiful song about two best friends realizing how much they love one another. It’s also one of the shows only ballads.
To keep up SpongeBob and the entire Bikini Bottom gang, follow SpongeBob The Musical on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
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