Recently I had the opportunity to listen to an advance copy of F.M. L., the newest single from Norwegian rockers Dobbeltgjenger. One listen is all it took. With the Friday, January 12 release of their latest single serving as an introduction to North American audiences courtesy a streaming distribution partnership with newly formed Soundcrest Music Group, I knew I needed to know more about the band. To that end, I chatted with lead singer Vegard Wikne for the latest installment of my recurring interview feature, Rapid Fire.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: As we begin, I have to tell you I love the name of the band. In fact, I have long said that doppelgänger, the 19th century spelling, is my favorite word. What went into deciding to name the band Dobbeltgjenger?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: Thank you! Well, we were actually called Doppelganger the first couple of weeks, but ended up changing it to the Norwegian version, Dobbeltgjenger. It was originally a Twin Peaks reference and I just loved the feel of the name! And nobody else is called that!
JHPENTERTAINMENT: Dobbeltgjenger, being based in Norway, might not be familiar quite yet to American audiences. Let’s change that! For those not familiar, who’s who in Dobbeltgjenger?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: I (Vegard Wikne) write most of the songs, sing and play the guitar (and now sampler!) live.
Jone Kuven is our trusted bassist and bass-synthist!
Bastian Veland plays the guitar and synths.
Sondre Veland (Bastian’s cousin) plays drums and piano.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: How long has Dobbeltgjenger been together?
DOBBELTGJENGER: This line up (the final form!) has been together since around 2020. The band Vegard and friends has been going since the first album in 2015.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: Your new single is F.M.L. but that acronym is a flip of what most people might initially think it stands for. How did you come up with the clever wordplay for the single?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: The song was written about my ADHD, and the demo for it was called F.M.L. for some reason, haha. Probably a bad ADHD day… Then I really wanted to hold on to that title and wrote the chorus and made it an acronym for Feed Me Love. The concept revolves around ADHD and the fleeting connection with other people, with a juxtaposition of the intense need for love and closeness.

JHPENTERTAINMENT: How did F.M.L. come to be your newest single?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: It was one of the more driving and «hooky» songs of our bunch of songs (that will be released as an album in June). Just felt like a single!
JHPENTERTAINMENT: F.M.L. is quite the earworm: catchy melody and clever lyrics. How would you describe the song musically?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: The song started with a mission: to make a song that sounds like ADHD. So I would describe it as kind of hectic, relentless and driving alternative rock/pop song. The song started with the jumpy synths that kind of reminded me of thoughts jumping around in ones head. And then I wanted a pumping and kind of random drum beat, with these crazy random fills, haha. I really think it sounds like the inside of my head.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: On the subject of the lyrics, my favorite F.M.L. lyric comes at the end of the first verse, “Life is a test for me, but I’m a bumblebee. Heavy and small-winged beast. I’m gonna fly even though I can’t.” Is there a lyric within F.M.L. that really speaks to you?
DOBBELTGJENGER: It’s probably that one. That line is the hope in the song. The resilience. Even though you have your dispositions, circumstances and things going against you, you go even harder at life to overcome it. You can fly even though you can’t, like a bumblebee.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: F.M.L. has a decidedly different vibe than Rocket Shoes, your 2022 release. And a quick search online categorizes Dobbeltgjenger as alt-rock…can Dobbeltgjenger be defined by one genre?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: The short answer to that is probably no. The slightly longer answer is that we really don’t want to limit our music to a single genre. The most important thing to me is making music that feels real and that it feels interesting and engaging to me and the others in the band.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: The F.M.L. single artwork is by Canadian graphic artist Sierra McLean. McLean also provided cover art for your previous album The Twins and the aforementioned Rocket Shoes single. What is it about McLean’s visual aesthetic that embodies Dobbeltgjenger‘s sound and creative spirit?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: I love Sierra’s art so much. I stumbled over her work on Tiktok last year and have worked closely with her ever since. She just has this playful but at the same time melancholic feel to her work, which I love and also think fits our music well.
JHPENTERTAINMENT: With the release of F.M.L., you’re working for the first time with newly formed Soundcrest Music Group for North American distribution and promotion. How excited are you for this new partnership and the prospect of more exposure in the US?
DOBBELTGJENGER’s VEGARD WIKNE: We are all super excited about this! This is the first time we have had any type of representation in the US and it’s just amazing to have people working to get our music out of Europe and into, hopefully, a lot of American ears!
To check out Dobbeltgjenger’s new single, F.M.L., CLICK HERE. Wanna keep up with the band? Check them out on their OFFICIAL SITE, or give them a follow on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok.
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