Circle Players’ current production, Hair wraps its three-week run with performances Friday, October 19-Sunday, October 21 at the Looby Theatre (2301 Rosa Parks Blvd). First presented on stage 50 years ago, and therefore typically thought of as late-1960s anti-war, musical love-in, the current mounting of the show becomes interestingly relatable to what’s going on in the world around us thanks to director Jason Lewis’ creative eye. Peppering his cast with a few familiar faces, Lewis also reinforces the show’s familial Tribe vibe. With just a few shows left in the run, I recently got the chance to speak with Lewis about the show, his take on it and his cast for an abbreviated version of my recurring Rapid Fire interview feature.
JONATHAN H. PINKERTON: Having directed for Circle before, what keeps you coming back?
JASON LEWIS: Circle Players, through my many returns to Nashville, has always provided me a creative home, even more so now in a directorial capacity. While I was away in New York, old school Circle alums Maggie Bowden and Sue Stinemetz would try to coax me to return and direct for Circle. In the years between their subsequent passings, I faced my own personal setbacks. I now work for Circle to honor their memories. People always ask why I don’t just do ‘paid stuff’ since the quality of work is of such caliber and my response is always the same… “Somebody has to be the Mr. Schuester (of Glee fame).” My background being in education, I love discovering new talent and thrive in the community theatre setting, wowing audiences by exceeding expected results.
JHP: What is it about Hair that drew you to the project?
JASON LEWIS: Well since being back I had helmed one epic show, one funny show and one of spectacle, so to me Hair was a nice middle ground. I wasn’t 100% sure until the Parkland shooting and it’s aftermath. Watching a government do nothing as our youth are (preventatively) being killed off? Watching kids march out of school in protest as we’ve not seen SINCE Vietnam? Instantly, I knew what show I HAD to do. People are on edge politically but they still need hope…and love.
JHP: Among you cast, I spotted a name or two you’ve worked with in the past. what is it about these actors that makes you want to team with them again on this project?
JASON LEWIS: Of my cast I’ve probably worked with Maggie Wood and Scotty Phillips the most. Both were in Reefer Madness and Bring it On. Maggie has such a versatile wide range in her abilities, thus a perfect person for each of the roles I’ve given her so far. Scotty works hard and isn’t afraid to step outside his comfort zone. He stands out in a lead and as an ensemble member. Few local artists can claim that.
JHP: They’re not the only ones you’ve worked with amongst your cast, right?
JASON LEWIS: Besides the aforementioned, I’ve worked with Amanda Creech, Barrett Thomas and Erica Patterson on Jesus Christ Superstar and Sara Shumway in Reefer/Bring It On and Gillion Welsh and Jarvis Bynum in Reefer, as a director. I also recently shared the stage with Seth Austin Brown, Blake Holliday & Stephanie Twomey in The Full Monty. Besides being hard workers, the one thing they all have in common is fearlessness when it comes to getting weird, something vital in a Hair tribe member.
JHP: As a director, what do you hope to get from your actors?
JASON LEWIS: Authenticity and vulnerability as well as completing homework character research assignments in creating their tribe member. Hair isn’t just about singing, dancing and acting. My tribe is honoring those actors who workshopped Hair and brought it to life by immersing themselves in 60s counter-culture. Also, I ask that they give themselves over to the uncomfortable moments freely, it is the only way to truly create the organic work of art Hair must be. Never be disingenuous to the material!
Circle Players’ Hair continues for a final weekend with performances Friday and Saturday, October 19 & 20 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 21 at 3 p.m. All tickets are $20. Click Here to purchase tickets. For a little more about the cast, Click Here. It should be noted that Circle Players’ website does indeed offer an Audience Advisory of the show for “nudity, strong language, simulated drug use, adult content and situations that may not be appropriate for all ages”. That said, what better reasons to join the tribe?
Be sure to follow Circle Players on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest news, tickets and details about the rest of their 69th Season.
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